
Earning Money on the Internet

Sam Stoffel

6 Aug 2014

Updated: 19 Nov 2023

It really surprises me when I hear of some of the ways that people try to make money online. Filling out surveys for pittance; doing paid Google searches for a few pence here and there, writing reviews for products they have no interest in.

You get the idea - soul-destroying stuff.

I can sympathise though; when I started university in 2008 I worked part time for an online company as a typist.

My job was listening through audio files of various conversations - usually market research groups - and I had to transcribe every word verbatim.

Honestly, it made me want to tear my hair out. Never again.

Some people reading this article will be interested in earning money on the internet - just be looking for a way to make money at home. Others just want to make money in general.

Whatever your situation, you need to learn Matched Betting. You just need to.

They should teach this in schools. Every poor student should know about it, every single mum, every struggling family.

Why work for minimum wage when you can be earning £50+ an hour doing something that's actually pretty enjoyable?

I can tell you a hundred other ways of making (or saving) money online.

I can tell you to sell your unwanted possessions on eBay. I can tell you to use cashback websites like Quidco and Topcashback every time you make a purchase online. I can tell you to use comparison websites for EVERYTHING to save money.

I can tell you how to start a career as an Internet Marketer.

These are all things I just do as part of my life, but not one of them is an instant money-making solution in the same way that Matched Betting is.

If you don't know what Matched Betting is, you can find out more on the Profit Accumulator home page.

If you do know what it is, why aren't you already a member? Take some ACTION in your life and enjoy having money for a change.

Matched betting tutorials

Understanding value

Lay betting strategies and systems

Dutching - betting systems and strategy

A guide to hedge betting

Matched betting calculator